WWW Wednesday 03-30-2022

WWW Wednesday is hosted by Taking on a World of Words

We’ve almost reached the end of March, can you believe it? Admittedly, I haven’t read as much as I wanted to this month but here’s what’s going on lately in my reading life…

What are you currently reading?

After about a couple years hiatus, I finally picked this back up. I’m not sure why I ever put it down because I remember really being into it, so unsurprisingly, it didn’t take me long to be super into it again. It took me a while to recall all the terms since I left off when I was about halfway through but it’s really, really exciting and I keep having to stop myself from adding the rest of the books in the series to my Amazon cart.

What did you recently finish reading?

I just finished this a couple of days ago but it fell a little flat for me. I had such high hopes for it and the premise is great, but I just didn’t love the characters, I felt too indifferent towards them. They didn’t really come alive for me, and I thought some of the inserted sass/sarcasm felt a bit forced. On a positive note, I decided to pick this up because it was in this month’s Owlcrate >>>>>SEE FULL UNBOXING HERE<<<<<

What do you think you’ll read next?

Up next is probably The Girl Who Fell Beneath the Sea which came in this month’s Fairyloot >>>>>SEE FULL UNBOXING HERE<<<<< This edition is very different from the US standard edition and it is truly stunning, I can’t wait to dive into it!

Thanks for joining me! What have you been reading lately?

Now, your turn...